The Pottervision Podcast!
A Harry Potter themed podcast in which each episode sees the Pottervision boys, Tom Lawrinson and Lukas Kirkby, analyse and dissect the Potter books, one chapter at a time, all whilst regaling tales from their own magical lives. Tom also challenges Lukas to a quiz at the end of each episode, so you can play along to see how your trivia knowledge holds up!
We chat, we laugh and we delve deep into the world of HP (saucy!) - this podcast can be
found on iTunes, Spotify, Google Podcasts and Amazon Music - just check out the links
below and don't forget to subscribe, rate and review. New episodes every Monday!

Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone
001 - The Boy Who Lived (19/10/20)
002 - The Vanishing Glass (19/10/20)
003 - The Letters from No One (26/10/20)
004 - The Keeper of the Keys (2/11/20)
006 - The Journey from Platform Nine and
Three-Quarters (16/11/20)
Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets
018 - The Worst Birthday (8/2/21)
019 - Dobby's Warning (15/2/21)
021 - At Flourish and Blotts (1/3/21)
022 - The Whomping Willow (8/3/21)
023 - Gilderoy Lockhart (15/3/21)
024 - Mudbloods and Murmurs (22/3/21)

Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban
037 - Aunt Marge's Big Mistake (21/6/21)
038 - The Knight Bus (28/6/21)
039 - The Leaky Cauldron (5/7/21)
041 - Talons and Tea Leaves (19/7/21)
042 - The Boggart in the Wardrobe (26/7/21)
043 - Flight of the Fat Lady (2/8/21)
048 - Gryffindor versus Ravenclaw (6/9/21)
049 - Snape's Grudge (13/9/21)
050 - The Quidditch Final (20/9/21)
051 - Professor Trelawney's Prediction (27/9/21)
052 - Cat, Rat and Dog (4/10/21)
053 - Moony, Wormtail, Padfoot and Prongs (11/10/21)
054 - The Servant of Lord Voldemort (18/10/21)
055 - The Dementor's Kiss (25/10/21)
Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire
058 - The Riddle House (15/11/21)
060 - The Invitation (29/11/21)
061 - Back to the Burrow (6/12/21)
062 - Weasley’s Wizard Wheezes (13/12/21)
064 - Bagman and Crouch (27/12/21)
065 - The Quidditch World Cup (3/1/22)
067 - Mayhem at the Ministry (17/1/22)
068 - Aboard the Hogwarts Express (24/1/22)
069 - The Triwizard Tournament (31/1/22)
071 - The Unforgiveable Curses (14/2/22)
072 - Beauxbatons and Durmstrang (28/2/22)
073 - The Goblet of Fire (7/3/22)
074 - The Four Champions (14/3/22)
075 - The Weighing of the Wands (21/3/22)
078 - The House-Elf Liberation Front (11/4/22)
079 - The Unexpected Task (18/4/22)
081 - Rita Skeeter’s Scoop (2/5/22)
082 - The Egg and the Eye (9/5/22)
083 - The Second Task (16/5/22)
084 - Padfoot Returns (30/5/22)
085 - The Madness of Mr Crouch (6/6/22)
088 - The Third Task (27/6/22)
089 - Flesh, Blood, and Bone (4/7/22)
090 - The Death Eaters (11/7/22)
091 - Priori Incantatem (18/7/22)

Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix
095 - Dudley Demented (15/8/22)
096 - A Peck of Owls (22/8/22)
097 - The Advance Guard (3/10/22)
098 - Number Twelve, Grimmauld Place (17/10/22)
099 - The Order of the Phoenix (31/10/22)
100 - The Noble and Most Ancient House of Black (14/11/22)
101 - The Ministry of Magic (28/11/22)
104 - The Woes of Mrs Weasley (9/1/23)
106 - The Sorting Hat’s New Song (6/2/23)
107 - Professor Umbridge (20/2/23)
108 - Detention with Dolores (6/3/23)
109 - Percy and Padfoot (20/3/23)
110 - The Hogwarts High Inquisitor (3/4/23)
111 - In the Hog’s Head (17/4/23)
112 - Educational Decree Number Twenty-Four (1/5/23)
116 - The Eye of the Snake (26/6/23)
117 - St Mungo’s Hospital for Magical Maladies and Injuries (10/7/23)
118 - Christmas on the Closed Ward (24/7/23)
120 - The Beetle at Bay (21/8/23)
121/122 - Chatavision (4/9/23)
123 - Seen and Unforeseen (18/9/23)
124 - The Centaur and the Sneak (2/10/23)
125 - Snape’s Worst Memory (16/10/23)
126 - Career Advice (30/10/23)
129 - Out of the Fire (11/12/23)
130 - Fight and Flight (25/12/23)
131 - The Department of Mysteries (8/1/23)
132 - Beyond the Veil (22/1/24)
133 - The Only One He Ever Feared (5/2/24)
134 - The Lost Prophecy (19/2/24)
Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince
136 - The Other Minister (18/3/24)
138 - Will and Won’t (15/4/24)
139 - Horace Slughorn (29/4/24)
140 - An Excess of Phlegm (13/5/24)
141 - Draco’s Detour (27/5/24)
143 - Snape Victorious (24/6/24)
144 - The Half-Blood Prince (8/7/24)
145 - The House of Gaunt (22/7/24)
146 - Hermione’s Helping Hand (5/8/24)
147 - Silver and Opals (19/8/24)
148 - The Secret Riddle (2/9/24)
150 - The Unbreakable Vow (30/9/24)
152 - A Sluggish Memory (28/10/24)
153 - Birthday Surprises (11/11/24)
155 - Lord Voldemort’s Request (9/12/24)
156 - The Unknowable Room (23/12/24)
157 - After the Burial (6/1/25)
158 - Horcruxes (20/1/25)
159 - Sectumsempra (3/2/25)
160 - The Seer Overheard (17/2/25)
161 - The Cave (3/3/25)
162 - The Lightning Struck Tower (17/3/25)
163 - Flight of the Prince (31/3/25)
164 - The Phoenix Lament (14/4/25)
165 - The White Tomb (28/4/25)

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows
166 - The Dark Lord Ascending (12/5/25)
167 - In Memoriam (26/5/25)
168 - The Dursleys Departing (9/6/25)
169 - The Seven Potters (23/6/25)
170 - Fallen Warrior (7/7/25)
171 - The Ghoul in Pyjamas (21/7/25)
172 - The Will of Albus Dumbledore (4/8/25)
173 - The Wedding (18/8/25)
174 - A Place to Hide (1/9/25)
175 - Kreacher’s Tale (15/9/25)
176 - The Bribe (29/9/25)
177 - Magic is Might (13/10/25)
178 - The Muggle-Born Registration Commission (27/10/25)
179 - The Thief (10/11/25)
180 - The Goblin’s Revenge (24/11/25)
181 - Godric’s Hollow (8/12/25)
182 - Bathilda’s Secret (22/12/25)
183 - The Life and Lies of Albus Dumbledore (5/1/26)
184 - The Silver Doe (19/1/26)
185 - Xenophilius Lovegood (2/2/26)
186 - The Tale of the Three Brothers (16/2/26)
187 - The Deathly Hallows (2/3/26)
188 - Malfoy Manor (16/2/26)
189 - The Wandmaker (30/3/26)
190 - Shell Cottage (13/4/26)
191 - Gringotts (27/4/26)
192 - The Final Hiding Place (11/5/26)
193 - The Missing Mirror (25/5/26)
194 - The Lost Diadem (8/6/26)
195 - The Sacking of Severus Snape (22/6/26)
196 - The Battle of Hogwarts (6/7/26)
197 - The Elder Wand (20/7/26)
198 - The Prince’s Tale (3/8/26)
199 - The Forest Again (17/8/26)
200 - King’s Cross (31/8/26)
201 - The Flaw in the Plan (14/9/26)
202 - Nineteen Years Later (28/9/26)